Admission Requirements: PTIB
  • • Combination Hairdressing & Esthetics Program
  • • Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics
  • • Brush-Up Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics Brush-Up 
  • Minimum Admission Requirements:         
The Student, the School Owner CANNOT WAIVE any of the following minimum   program or course admission requirements. 


To be eligible for enrolment, a student must meet the following: 


  • Be at least 19 years of age to be accepted into the course of study (provide proof of age- a photo ID and, and or current passport, or driver’s license or BC ID),
  • Esthetics Brush-Up Program or the Hairdressing Brush-Up Program: The student must provide a copy of their transcript and graduation diploma or certificate as proof of previous qualifications of the appropriate training, or if they are a Nu Way School student, they must be a diploma holder graduate in that particular area of training.
  • Be a Canadian Citizen, if foreign born, or Landed Immigrant, or a Convention Refugee as defined by the Canadian Immigration Act. (provide proof of your citizenship status with the appropriate credentials,  as current passport as proof must contain a photo.
  • Complete the Admission Assessment, The passing grade is 70%, before enrolment to the approval of the Owner. Translation aid is provided for full understanding. This will then be stored in the student’s file.
  • Read all of the Student Handbook, and understand all of the Nu Way School policies, and procedures, the school’s rules and regulations, scheduling, program and course outlines. The Student Handbook is available at the school.
  • The student confirms that she/ he has represented to the institution that they meet the admission requirements, and has provided all proof. If the student wishes to proceed, then the next step is done.
  • Read and sign the Enrolment Contract: Understand that by signing the Enrolment Contract you fully understand, and will comply with all of Nu Way Hairdressing & Esthetics School (International) policies and procedures and general rules and regulations outlined in the Student Handbook and the contract.
Career Occupations :

                General Rules and Regulations for Our Students : Student Handbook

·             Name tags. These are to be worn at all times during school hours. 

·       Attendance. If you  you’re going to be late then you have to call.

·       Absent –  if you’re  going to be absent, you need to call advance at least one day before you will take the absent. 






Instructors, & Administrator & Managing Director are responsible for administering these policies  


Nu-Way Hairdressing & Esthetics School (International) provides an opportunity for students to resolve disputes of a serious nature, in a fair and equitable manner.  


This policy applies to all Nu Way Hairdressing & Esthetics School (International) students who are currently enrolled, or were enrolled 30 days prior to the submitting their concern, to the Instructor or Senior Educational Administrator.  


  1. The class instructor is the most directly involved with the student(s) on a daily basis, so they should the best first choice for the student to approach.  
  2. The Sr. Educational Administrator is the next person to be involved with this process, if it needs to go to this level.  
  3. Owner Managing Director is the last decision-making authority. 


Procedure for Student Disputes:  

  1. When a concern or dispute arises, every effort must be made quickly to resolve the dispute between the parties directly involved. If this does not resolve the issue, then the individual(s) should then request asap. in writing to have a meeting scheduled with their instructor, and the reason for the meeting, If there are multiple individuals involved then each should write their own request for a meeting, and the reasons for this.  
  2. The instructor involved, will reply in writing to each individual within 1 school day or 24 hours of receiving the dispute letter(s) with a meeting(s) scheduled not longer than 1 school day or 24 hours. If multiple individuals are involved, then each needs their own private meeting.  
  3. The instructor will discuss the concerns/dispute with each student with the intent to resolve any and all concerns to meet the satisfaction of the individual, and or all parties involved. The instructor will write a letter with the points of discussion and the resolutions, if any has been reached. This / these letters will be sent out within 2 school days or 48 hours of each meeting.  

If the student(s) is/ are not satisfied with the resolution outcome at this point, they should readdress the concern/ dispute attempted for a resolution, and put his/her concern in writing again and deliver it to the Senior Educational Administrator within 2 school days or 48 hours of the last resolution attempt for prompt attention.


4.    The Senior Educational Administrator will arrange to schedule and meet with the student(s) or each individual concerned to discuss the matter, and to obtain a satisfactory resolution or course of action within 3 school days or 36 hours of receiving all the student’s next written dispute resolution letter.


5.    After all meetings are conducted, and there is not resolution with the student(s), the Owner/Managing Director, will conduct whatever enquiries and/or investigations are necessary and appropriate to determine whether the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part. Those inquiries may involve further discussion(s) with the student(s) either individually or with the appropriate (institution’s) personnel.

All the necessary enquiries and / or investigations shall be completed no later than 10 school days following the meeting.


6.    The Owner/Managing Director will do one of the following once completing her investigations or enquiries. This will be completed within the ten days stated above:

  1. Determine that the student’s concerns are not substantiated; or
  2. Determine that the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part, and take a pro-active approach to correct the dispute based on the resolution determined. By proposing a resolution of the substantiated concern(s). 

7.    The student(s) and the institution’s personnel involved shall all receive a written summary of the above determination. Copies will be made of all letters and correspondence. The copies will be handled in this manner:

a.    One copy of all correspondence for each individual, to be attached together and put into the Disputes & Resolutions Folder as soon as they are received. Both parties involved will sign the copies.

b.    All originals letters from the student to the SEA/ college and instructor, and all original letters to the student, from the SEA/ college and instructor will be placed into the student’s file as soon as they are they are received and copied.  Both parties involved will sign the copies.


8.    If the student is not satisfied with the determination of the Owner/Managing Director, the student must give a written notice to the Owner/Managing Director within 48 hours of being informed of the determination. It will now be the responsibility of the student(s), and at their own costs to find an appropriate outside counsel to resolve your dispute. See PCTIA for further dispute resolutions.


9.    Require a final decision to be given to the student within 30 days of the complaint.


10.    If the primary person is absent then the situation can be handled by the manager.


11.    Authorize a student to be represented by a lawyer or agent


12.  Ensure a student will be protected from retaliation

Contains a process with a reasonable number of steps.



Download Student Handbook  : Combine Program –  Hairdressing & Esthetics Diploma
Download : Private Training Act Policy Manual   
Nuway School
  • • Combination Hairdressing & Esthetics Program
  • • Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics
  • • Brush-Up Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics Brush-Up 
Career Occupations:
  • • Combination Hairdressing & Esthetics Program
  • • Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics
  • • Brush-Up Hairdressing
  • • Esthetics Brush-Up 

For your reference, the Private Training Act, associated regulations, and Private Training Act Policy Manual are available on our website at